Beijing Sano Laser S&T Development Co.,Ltd
Laser beauty and cosmetic machines' manufacturer
I-Cool Skin Kühlsystem - professionelle Kühlbox

Ich-cool Haut Luft Kühlung Maschine Gebraucht zum minimieren Schmerz und
Thermal- Verletzung während Laser- und dermatologisch Behandlungen und zum
vorübergehend aktuell Narkose Erleichterung zum Injektionen.
I-Cool ist entworfen zum reduzieren Schmerzen, Rötung, Schwellung und
Thermal- Schäden verursacht von Nd: jag Laser- Behandlung, IPL t
Behandlung und Co2 Laser- Behandlung.
Zusammen mit ND: jag Laser, Co2 Laser, und 808nm Diode Laser-
Haar Entfernung.
Laser Cryo Aesthetic Skin Cooling System

ICOOL Cold Air -The skin cooling system-Designed for Superficial Aesthetic Procedures.
ICOOL Cold Air Device is intended to minimize pain and thermal injury during laser and dermatological treatments and for temporary topical anesthetic relief for injections

Detaillierte Bilder
Easy Control-System: -30 °


Cool skin before laser treatment
Cool skin after laser treatment
During treatment working together
Treatment Heads:
Round Adapter
For reducing the skin temperature of small treatment area, such as eyebrow, underarm, forehead.

Middle Square Adapter
For reducing the skin temperature of middle square area, especially for hair removal treatment, such as Arm

Large Square Adapter
For reducing the skin temperature of large treatment area, such as thigh,belly.especially for hair removal.

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